Wednesday, June 8, 2011

17 Going On 18

Brief follow up:

I went. Luckily, he is no longer blond, so it was really quite easy to separate him from him (Dan from Rolfe). He had me sing The Sound of Music. He sang along in some places.

If I do what he says--really, really work at it, and I mean to--I know I will be absolutely A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. We already did so much in just that hour.

Well, folks, the sun has gone to bed, and so must I.


  1. WOW. :D Glad you are enjoying yourself! :D

  2. You have confidence in confidence alone...Oh help!...besides what you see you have con-fee dence in you u u u u u! (It definitely loses something in the translation!)

    So happy for you!


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