Saturday, October 22, 2011

Hi. I'm Lisa.
I'm 27 years old--I'm not married, and I'm not really dating. My favorite books are fairy tales, and I'm desperately into Sci-Fi/Fantasy. I'm a Mormon, I love Ren Faires, violent movies make me cry, and sometimes I hide in small spaces when I can't handle being around people anymore. I believe in drawing energy from the earth, that talking about creepy things can invite them, and that electrical appliances perceptibly hum even when turned off. I truly don't find Dumb & Dumber funny, I hum loudly and talk to myself in public, hate the taste of bacon and frankly, I've never had a kiss that's made me figure out the big fuss is about.

Freak Flag, proudly wave.


  1. Yeah, but you're a freak with me!

  2. I think you should make this your dating profile. It would be awesome.

  3. I agree with Becky. Also, you are FREAKing awesome. Love you darling.


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