Sunday, July 22, 2012


Here's how I feel about verbal tangents: when you're just sitting around enjoying a good chat, a tangent is like taking a leisurely stroll in the woods, and wandering down a small path. Why not? It's just as lovely here as on the path. Maybe more so. When you have something important to tell me, its like watching a tv drama: 

Friend: "Oh! I have something I need to to tell you!"
(Detective: "We've identified the missing woman.")
Friend: "It was crazy! So this woman walked into the store..."
(Detective: "And our jane doe is ...")
Friend: "Oh and today my boss was wearing the same sunglasses as my friend Nina!"
(Announcer: "Come on down to Mattressland!")
Friend: "...such a coincidence!..."
(Announcer: "Eat it up! Eat it up! Here at Moe's you'll eat it up!") 
Friend: "...and then she couldn't return them!... 
(Announcer: "those embarrassing itches...") 
Friend: "but getting back to the point, she got arrested!"
(Detective: "Andrea Wheeler.")

Me: "I don't remember why I cared..."

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