Sunday, November 13, 2011

I've been rereading my blog and have decided to let you all know what's changed, starting at my most recent post and going backwards:

I'm no longer strangely drawn to Twilight (except when I've got a really bad cold...)

We found the remote.

Nigel's back to sleeping on my bed (when he's not on my roommate's), I make fun of clients at work again (especially the really rude ones who treat you like an idiot), my lip has healed, and I don't play TextTwist anymore, therefore no more ert/inert problem.

I no longer view my Need to Know as a problem. Maybe I'll get a job as a PI...

My Dad...Nothing changed there.

Rolf no longer freaks me out. Sometimes, when I'm chatting with him about my life, I have a hard time remembering that he's a super-big star.

The fireflies have went! (ibid, for all my English majorly friends)

I have not been bruised, bled, or been pulled over for some time now.

While I still miss my family, new pictures make me happy now, like the ones of Kairi in a bunny suit and Talya with a BB stuck up her nose.

I went back to Ninety Six. This time, everybody at church greeted me by name and inquired after my life. This day also almost made its own post entitled "In which I get kissed by a midget".

I don't love my job anymore. It's a job now.

Perhaps thanks to a new counter which doesn't accentuate them, I haven't caught people staring at/taking pictures of my breasts for at least 2 months.

I don't think Mr. Point-Eleven-Karats is stupid. Just uninformed.

I no longer have to go to the laundromat. I do still want a maid.

I haven't been jogging (or been offered candy by a stranger) for a while.

I, a) again, no longer love my job and b) my Scottish friend stopped writing to me!

I don't really care about Chuck again.

I finally made it to Stake Conference! My first since moving here!

I am no longer Swiney. Swine-flu, that is, and therefore have not watched as many movies lately. Am still crazy about Merlin though....

Stopped reading cautionary tales since they make no impact in my life.

I have a tv now.

And finally, I know why they put the strips of sticky paper on the trees (to keep bugs from eating leaves, in case you were wondering).

Well, that's it. A backwards tale from my sideways life.


  1. Cool and interesting stuff. Some of it I really don't understand well, but...oh well!

    So you have a washer/dryer? How wonderful!!!

    Sad to think about, but maybe your Scottish friend has moved on?

    Love you tons! xoxoxoxo

  2. It is possible that I am more confused than before I read this post.

  3. I went backwards and wrote out one thing that has changed for every post I've written so far....

  4. Ahhhh...lots of good info Lis. I agree though, I have lots of questions now. I guess I will have to go back and read the posts. I am glad you haven't been bled recently, you were kissed by a midget? and I love you!


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